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By Zuzai Hizoke

 The ‘vision’ as envisioned by our incumbent PM (PNG) to have “PNG become the Richest Black Nation on Earth” has drawn many criticisms, mostly positive and a sizable negative (criticisms). The question is; “Is it possible?”

It was good to be home and to witness all that transpired here in mother land-PNG, a land truly unique in many ways, more so a land blessed in many ways. Yet, the time has come when one must pack and be on the go again. Thank you, motherland, for been good to me. In parting your shores, let me depart with an answer to the above question from a biblical perspective (After all, what do you expect from a pastor? It has to be a biblical perspective). Also note that, while not all Papua New Guineans are Christians, we all value Christianity and are known as a Christian nation. It is with this mindset I share this piece with you all.

Let us turn to Job 1:1-3. In these first three verses are found the Executive Summary, rather the foreword to the entire book. Verse 1b gives the introduction; “There was in the land of Uz, whose name was Job…” Verse 3b gives the summary; “so that this man was the greatest of all the people of the East.” In between you have verse 1b, 2 and 3a. So, we have a man by the name of Job and he was from Uz in the region of the (Middle) East and he was the greatest, meaning, there were other great rather rich people, yet, Job became the greatest/richest of all the great people in the land of the East at the time.

Job was a man of like nature as us yet was the greatest in His time. Therefore, is it possible for a man, in this context, a Christian man or woman and more so a Christian organization or in our case, for a Christian country to become the greatest rather the richest? The answer is obviously a BIG ‘YES!’ To the critics, it may sound a myth rather one would think, this is prosperity gospel. Hang in a little and think twice.

For Job to become the greatest, the richest in verse 3b, it did not happen in a vacuum neither was it a happenstance. There are other verses in between the introduction (verse 1a) and the summary (verse 3b). Consequently, there certainly were things that transpired in between to propel him to this final stage he was in-the greatest, the richest of all the people in the East. There were principles he built his life on to come this far. The question then is; what happened, what transpired in these verses? What were the principles that came into play here that propelled him to this level of achievement?

This brings us to Job 1:1b-3a. We will have a quick glance at these verses; ‘1b And that man (Job) was blameless, and upright and one who feared God and shunned evil. 2. And seven sons and three daughters were born to him. 3a Also his possessions were seven thousand sheep, three thousand camels, five hundred yoke of oxen, five hundred female donkeys, and a very large household (so that this man was the greatest of all the people of the East)’ (1b).
Distinctively clear that Job built his live on principles. In here, there were three key principles that he built his live on;
1. God First; ‘‘And that man (Job) was blameless, and upright and one who feared God and shunned evil’.
2. Family; ‘And seven sons and three daughters were born to him’.
3. Business; ‘Also his possessions were seven thousand sheep, three thousand camels, five hundred yoke of oxen, five hundred female donkeys’.

Hence for Job, God was first, family second and third was his business, his everyday work. And because he built his life on these principles, he became the greatest/richest amongst all the people of the East. The testimony of Job confirms that those who build their lives on principles become successful in what they undertake. Sure, they are many in our communities who can also testify in their own little ways of how when they built on principles, has brought them success.

Papua New Guinea surely can become the greatest/richest nation providing that every citizen of this country (at least) starting from the PM and his cabinet, to the parliamentarians and to the CEOs and sectional heads right down to every citizen rally around and start applying these principles.
These principles are commonsense principles. They aren’t complicated nor hard yet dynamic;
1. God First.
2. Family and
3. Business/our everyday work.

This is where leadership is very important and the PM has provided that. All it needs is for his ministers and MPs to lead by example followed by everyone down the line. It is biblical, PNG can become the richest black nation as envisioned by the Prime Minister. God who keeps to His promise has instructed; “But seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness and all these things shall be added unto you” (Matthew 6:33).

Therefore, what is needed now in this country is a change of the way we have been doing business. This calls for a drastic change in the way our politicians and CEOs have been 'doing' this country. As Albert Einstein once said; ‘It is insanity to keep doing things the same way and expect change.” We have to start changing the way we have been doing business in ‘this country’.
With these few words, I have a few recommendations;

1. A few like-minded cabinet ministers and MPs in parliament to start thinking this way. The ripple effect will be enormous. The country truly is ripe for a change. Everybody is kinda saying “enough is enough”. By God’s grace we are truly ready for a change and it will happen.

2. Christians in all lines of duty to start seriously thinking how best they can help contribute to this.

3. The bible must be respected. While it may be a custom of West Minister system of governance to touch a bible when taking oath, I guess, everyone who occupies office should not touch the bible when taking an oath for the sake of doing so. One should be lectured on the significance of the Book otherwise it amounts to mockery.

Yu laik honest lon wok yu tasim buk baibol. Noken tasim natin natin.

God Bless Papua New Guinea

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