By Jonny Dean (PNG Rapper/MC)
One of the finest in the game right now,a rapper who has mastered his art in fusing English, Tok Pisin, Motu & his Mekeo tokples. He started in the underground scene with Naka Blood than eventually went solo. A couple of his tracks have made it to the PNG radio charts such as the track titled “Pasin Kanaka”.
This piece I write now is dedicated to this amazing individual who has contributed a great deal to my musical path.
Myself and Sprigga go way back in terms of music, I knew him even before he had the name Sprigga Mek (Wow). I first met Sprigga back when I was in high school through a friend of mine named Chankel Natto. Chankel and I met in music class back at Pom Naths, A gifted guy with the keyboard and a dope beat maker. He had a track he was working on titled ‘Red Label and wanted me to drop a verse on this so I agreed. I met Sprigga while doing this track and man his verse was fire light, I think mine was hotter but anyways haha. That’s how it all started.
I couple years past, and I got a call from him asking me if I would be keen to be his hypeman for the Vocal Fusion Season 2 Show Case and hell yeah I agreed. We both killed our act on stage that night with the Pasin Kanaka song.
After that gig after gig just came and every show he did of course you would see me on stage with him hyping the crowd, backing him up, covering for his smart ass when he forgot his lines haha, But man I did have fun in those moments. The best show for me with him would have to be the Pacific Games Gig (I loved the sound). It is also through Sprigga I have met a lot of great local artist in PNG and I thank him for that.
A true friend/Big bro.
You can check his music on the links provided below.